4 Empires Of Mesopotamia Question Preview (ID: 58464)

Questions Regarding The Four Empires Of Mesopotamia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The city of Babylon was located on the banks of the Euphrates River. This allowed trade to flourish.
a) True
b) False

This empire was feared for its military mite and cruelty.
a) Akkadian
b) Babylon
c) Neo-Babylon
d) Assyrian

One reason that Sargon's empire ended after his death was this.
a) Sargon thought he would live forever.
b) Sargon tried to have his horse take over as a leader upon his death.
c) Sargon had no living relatives to take over.
d) It was difficult to rule such a large territory.

In order to unify his empire, what did Hammurabi create?
a) Code of Laws
b) Large buildings of prayer
c) Gilgamesh
d) city-states

One technique used by Sargon was to destroy the walls surrounding the individual city-states that he conquered.
a) True
b) False

When rebuilding the city of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar created the Ishtar Gate. What does this tell us about the role of religion to the Mesopotamians.
a) The gods all had many names and were very colorful.
b) Religion was not important and building was.
c) Nebuchadnezzar liked the idea of everyone seeing his greatness.
d) Religion, and service to the gods was the an important part of the culture. The Ishtar Gate was dedicated to the god Ishtar.

The Assyrians used the latest military inventions, such as weapons, chariots, and battering rams. They were very cruel to the people they captured. What are the possible consequences of treating people this way?
a) The people could become lazy, and not work.
b) The people could revolt and begin to plan to overthrow the empire.
c) Other rulers could start to copy this.
d) Battering rams could break.

Who was the leader of the Akkadians?
a) Sargon
b) Hammurabi
c) Gilgamesh
d) Humbaba

Hammurabi's Code of Laws is an important landmark in the growth of civilization. Why?
a) It made sure that people would die.
b) Laws are meant to be broken
c) Laws allow a civilization to be fair to all members of the empire.
d) Hammurabi was a good leader.

Nebuchadrezzar felt the need to keep the capital of Babylon safe, so he did this.
a) Gave away free chickens.
b) Built a large thick inner and outer wall around the city.
c) Used chariots to move around a lot.
d) Let Gilgamesh fight for the city.

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