Nationalism In India Question Preview (ID: 58440)

How Nationalism Led To Independence In India. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Loyalty and support for your country.
a) Nationalism
b) Christianity
c) Autocracy
d) Communism

For hundreds of years India was controlled by.......
a) Christians, Buddhists, Germany
b) Hindus, Sikhs, French
c) Muslims, Shintos, Russia
d) Jews, Taoists, America

In the 1800's there was a high resistance to ........
a) French Rule
b) German Rule
c) Portuguese Rule
d) British Rule

Nationalism helped to power India's ____________ movement.
a) religious
b) independence
c) military
d) communist

When did the British take control of most of India?
a) early 1800's
b) mid 1800's
c) late 1800's
d) early 1900's

Which statement is true.
a) The Indians wanted independence from British Rule.
b) The Indians supported British Rule.
c) The Indians wanted to increase British Rule.
d) The Indians supported being a part of British Rule.

Who was the leader of the Indian Independence movement against British Rule.
a) Martin Luther King Jr.
b) Mao Zedong
c) George Washington
d) Mohandas Gandhi

Gandhi believed independence could be achieved by .....
a) non violent protest and boycotting British goods
b) taking up arms and violent prostests
c) buying British goods and keeping the peace
d) starting a war and asking for French assistance

When did India gain independence from British Rule.
a) 1917
b) 1947
c) 1977
d) 2007

What happened to Mahatmas Gandhi in 1948?
a) he became leader of India
b) he was exiled to Pakistan
c) he was assassinated
d) he led an uprising to end British Rule

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