French And Indian War Review Question Preview (ID: 58414)

Review Of French And Indian War. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why did Washington not know what he was signing when he signed the surrender papers?
a) They were written in French
b) They were written in Dutch
c) He could not read
d) They were written in secret code

Fort Necessity was built in an area known as
a) Great Meadow
b) Forks of the Ohio
c) Jumonville Glen
d) Fort Loudon

What of these DID NOT happen at Fort Necessity?
a) Washington defeated the French
b) Washington built a fort in a poor location
c) Washington surrendered to the French
d) Half-King left Washington fight the French

Where did Washington take his men after the incident at Jumonville Glen?
a) Fort Necessity
b) Fort Duquesne
c) Winchester
d) Forks of the Ohio

Which of these COULD NOT describe what Half-King did to Jumonville??
a) killed him
b) bashed his head in
c) washed his hands in his brains
d) saved him

What happened at the place now known as Jumonville Glen?
a) Half-King killed the French leader
b) Braddock was killed
c) Washington was shot
d) Washington killed Braddock

How many men did Washington have with him when he was sent on the 2nd mission?
a) 200
b) 4000
c) 35
d) 5000

From where did Washington and Braddock both begin their marches into the wilderness?
a) Winchester
b) Philadelphia
c) Richmond
d) New York

Where was General Braddock buried?
a) in the road
b) back at his house
c) in Winchester
d) at the fort

What happened to General Braddock during the expedition?
a) He got lost.
b) He was killed.
c) He drowned.
d) He lost the battle.

Who was the general who led the 1st British attempt at taking back the Forks of the Ohio?
a) Braddock
b) Washington
c) Loudon
d) Cumberland

What was the name of the fort the French built at the Forks of the Ohio?
a) Fort Duquesne
b) Fort Ohio
c) Fort Allegheny
d) Fort Monogahela

What was the name of the area that both the French and British wanted to control?
a) Forks of the Ohio
b) Jumonville Glen
c) Fort Necessity
d) Braddock's Heights

Who wrote the surrender papers that Washington signed?
a) Jumonville
b) Jumonville's brother
c) Braddock
d) Half-King

What city is at the location of the FORKS OF THE OHIO today?
a) Pittsburgh
b) Richmond
c) Winchester
d) Philadelphia

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