World History Unit 4 Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 58393)

African Kingdoms Trade. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who led the rise of the Kingdom of Songhai
a) Mansa Musa
b) Sunni Ali
c) Sundiata
d) Ashoka

What was the key difference between Songhai and Mali/Ghana
a) It had a caste system and profited from the slave trade
b) It taxed access to salt on trade routes
c) It became a cultural center of the Muslim world
d) It modernized trade routes and protected them

How do trade routes influence cultures
a) They allow new ideas, innovations and religions to spread
b) They make it easier to conquer
c) They lead to the spread of disease and people seek help
d) Participation requires being accepted into new places

How was the Trans-Saharan Trade Route a key exchange of culture
a) Arab merchants introduced Islam to the region
b) Chinese merchants introduced Buddhism to the region
c) Italian merchants introduced Christianity to the region
d) Indian merchants introduced Hinduism to the region

Which of the following was NOT a factor in Mali's downfall
a) Political turmoil
b) Invasion from outside forces
c) Drought and population decline
d) Regions breaking away

Which of the following led to the fall of the Kingdom of Ghana
a) Invasion by the Kingdom of Songhai
b) Declining resources due to the Slave Trade
c) Drought and Arab merchants finding new trade routes
d) Political corruption

Which of the following led to the rise of Mali
a) Establishing a large standing army and assigned representatives to control different provinces
b) They modernized trade routes and built an army to protect them
c) Control of access to gold mines and trade
d) Establishing new land and sea routes across the continent

Who built the one of the world's first University in Timbuktu
a) Ashoka the Great
b) Mansa Musa
c) Sunni Al
d) Sundiata

The primary reason Ghana rose to power and wealth was
a) Control of access to gold mines and trade
b) Establishing a large standing army and assigned representatives to control different provinces
c) Building the Silk Road to connect trade between Asia, Europe and Africa
d) Modernizing trade routes and building armies to protect them

The key component of the Indean Ocean Sea Trade Route was
a) Knowing how much cargo a ship could hold
b) India's building a large navy to protect other ships
c) New technology that allowed for transport to new regions to avoid other routes
d) Climate and knowledge of the monsoon winds

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