The Hobbit Question Preview (ID: 58390)

Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Where does Bilbo live?
a) Hobbiton
b) Rivendell
c) Laketown
d) Erebor

What's the name of the dragon?
a) Smog
b) Smoog
c) Smaug
d) Smoochy

Who is the leader of the dwarves?
a) Gandalf
b) Balin
c) Thorin
d) Bard

What do they take with them at the start of their journey?
a) map and key
b) map
c) map, key and swords
d) key

Which creature do they meet first?
a) giants
b) trolls
c) goblins
d) elves

Where do the goblins live?
a) The Lonely Mountain
b) Rivendell
c) Mirkwood
d) The Misty Mountains

Who rescues them from the spiders?
a) goblins
b) Gandalf
c) elves
d) trolls

How do they escape from the elves palace?
a) on rafts
b) in empty food barrels
c) on boats
d) in empty wine barrels

How do they find the keyhole in the movie?
a) the sun shines on it
b) the moon shines on it
c) Gandalf shines a light on it
d) with a torch

What is Bilbo looking for in the mountain?
a) a cup
b) the arkenstone
c) money
d) Smaug

How do they try to kill Smaug in the movie?
a) By drowning it in water
b) by burning it
c) by drowning it in liquid gold
d) with bombs

Why does Smaug attack Laketown?
a) to get revenge
b) for fun
c) because he wants the treasure
d) because Bilbo told him to

How is the dragon killed?
a) with a spear
b) with a rocket
c) with a sword
d) with a giant arrow

Who kills the dragon?
a) Bard's son
b) Bilbo
c) Gandalf
d) Bard

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