REVIEW G.U4L1-Human Impacts On The Environment Question Preview (ID: 58336)

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Describe one way that humans can protect the members of an endangered species.
a) have tours at the species' habitat
b) make stricter hunting laws
c) encourage humans to go hiking and feed the species human food
d) send excess photographers to photograph the species' habitat

Urbanization occurs when rural or natural areas undergo development and become urban areas. Describe two ways in which urbanization can negatively affect the local environment.
a) construction dust can contaminate the environment; chemical pollution can contaminate groundwater in the aquifer
b) more produce shops to sell farm vegetables; more restaurants for social dinners
c) skateparks for kids to meet up; movie theaters for entertainment
d) more farm equipment can be manufactured; roads cover grasslands

What is the name for the type of structure that uses raised land to prevent the water from spreading out when river water rises?
a) lock-and-dam
b) dead zone
c) delta
d) levee

What is the best example of a negative impact that humans might have on the natural environment?
a) dumping chemical waste into rivers, harming aquatic plants and animals
b) volunteering to work with Habitat for Humanity in college, which provides schools and clinics in poor locations
c) picking up trash at the beach, which prevents turtles from eating plastic bags
d) planting trees in deserts, to preserve soil and bring back animal habitats

Which REASONING explains how the burning of coal can lead to damaged plant life?
a) Sulfur dioxide gives off heat that raises the temperature of bodies of water.
b) Sulfur dioxide causes the remains of animals to decompose at a faster rate.
c) Sulfur dioxide can combine with drops of water to form acid rain.
d) Sulfur dioxide is a radioactive material that is dangerous for many years.

Which EVIDENCE best demonstrates that mining for resources directly impacts the BIOsphere?
a) releasing dust into the air
b) degrading habitats for animals
c) adding sediment to waterways
d) increasing erosion of soil

Which CLAIM best describes how human activity can directly impact the GEOsphere?
a) Removing too many fish from the ocean can cause a fish species to go extinct.
b) Construction activities can release harmful dust and chemicals into the air.
c) Poor farming practices can degrade the soil and cause erosion.
d) Dumping waste from a factory into a river can pollute the water supply.

Pollution can enter the hydrosphere in many different ways. Which statement gives EVIDENCE of point-source pollution?
a) Rainwater carries chemical fertilizer from land into a stream.
b) Litter along beaches gets pulled into the ocean by the tide.
c) Oil being transported on a ship spills into the ocean.
d) Grease from cars washes into a stream along the roadway.

Which is valid EVIDENCE of a natural source of air pollution?
a) methane gas from cow manure
b) smoke from the burning of fossil fuels
c) dust from construction sites
d) car exhaust fumes

Which CLAIM about the effects of natural events and human activities is valid?
a) Natural events always have a positive impact on the environment.
b) The environment is not usually affected by natural events.
c) All human activities change the environment in a negative way.
d) Human activities and natural events can damage the environment.

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