MI Semester 1 Review Question Preview (ID: 58333)

Medical Interventions Units 1 And 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What bacteria gene transfer method ALWAYS involves plasmid DNA?
a) conjugation
b) transformation
c) transduction
d) contraindication

What antibiotic interferes with an enzyme necessary to supercoil DNA?
a) Tetracyclines
b) Beta Lactams (Penicillins)
c) Fluoroquinolones
d) Sulfanomides

What antibiotic starves bacteria to death by blocking folic acid synthesis?
a) Sulfanomides
b) Tetracyclines
c) Fluoroquinolones
d) Beta Lactams (Penicillin)

What antibiotic is effective at inhibiting protein synthesis by blocking the ribosome?
a) Sulfanomide
b) Penicillin (Beta Lactam)
c) Fluoroquinolones
d) Tetracycline

What stains pink, has an outer layer with endotoxins, has a thin layer of peptidoglycan in the cell wall
a) Gram negative bacteria
b) Gram positive bacteria
c) Gram negative viruses
d) Gram positive viruses

What information can we get from an ELISA test?
a) We can identify which pathogen is causing an outbreak.
b) We can determine how long between exposure and symptoms
c) The concentration of antigens of a specific infectious disease in a patient sample.
d) We can determine if a person has a genetic disorder.

Which of these shows a proper order for an immune response?
a) T-cells are activated by antibodies that can then activate B cells.
b) B cells are activated by Helper-T cells, and they divide into plasma cells and memory B cells. Plasma cells make antibodies.
c) Antigens trigger antibodies to swallow up the pathogens.
d) Macrophages create antibodies to activate T-cells to produce antigens.

If you discover an outbreak of measles in the community, which of these would you do first?
a) Treat everyone in the community.
b) Perform ELISA tests on everyone's spinal fluid
c) Trace contacts to discover if they have been vaccinated
d) Sequence the DNA of the sick patients

What does PCR do?
a) make copies of DNA from a primer
b) repair DNA in genes
c) separate DNA by size
d) Perform Credible Reactions

When bacteria are allowed to be cultured in the same dish, they can come in direct contact and share genes through a pilus. What is the method of gene transfer called?
a) conjugation
b) transformation
c) transduction
d) conduction

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