Junior Semester 1 Review Question Preview (ID: 58322)

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To increase the length of a child’s verbal response, teachers should ask
a) close-ended questions
b) open-ended questions
c) questions about calculus
d) your mom

If a child accidentally spills their milk, who is primarily responsible for cleaning it up?
a) the principal
b) the teacher
c) the child
d) all junior students at once

Feedback given to students AS learning occurs is called
a) Formative Assessment
b) Sumthing Assessment
c) Observation
d) Step Up To Quality

This term refers to an assessment actually measuring what it is supposed to measure.
a) Couch
b) Reliability
c) Hillbillity
d) Validity

Three children have decided to build a zoo with blocks. They discuss who will build each part of the zoo and what kind of animals are needed. This is an example of what kind of play?
a) Solitary Play
b) Parallel Play
c) Associative Play
d) Cooperative Play

Which of the following is NOT observable?
a) participate
b) write
c) measure
d) say

A child's understanding of language that doesn't include talking is referred to as
a) Expressive Language
b) Receptive Language
c) Foul Language
d) Sindarin Language

Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) follows 3 standards. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of DAP?
a) It is culturally appropriate
b) It is age appropriate
c) It meets the needs of individual children
d) It is based on a set of ancient texts that can only be read in the light of the first full moon after an equinox

Which of the following activities would best support a child's language development?
a) Kicking a ball on the playground
b) Participating in music activities, like songs and fingerplays
c) Watching Netflix
d) Using small crayons to make a picture

Which of the following is an example of a Level of Performance?
a) After listening to a story
b) Given a paintbrush
c) the child will retell
d) at least 2 main parts of the story

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