Frindle Vocabulary Words Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 58319)

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This year our school made a big *profit* from the candy bar sales.
a) gain in money or income
b) donation
c) loss of money
d) crisis

My little brother causes a *ruckus* when he plays with his friends.
a) lots of noise
b) chain reaction
c) mess
d) peaceful atmosphere

Writers often receive a *royalty* when every copy of their book is sold.
a) payment
b) award
c) honor
d) picture

*Curiosity* got the best of me and I opened my birthday presents a few days early.
a) wanting to know something
b) excitement
c) anxiousness
d) inability to wait

He had a *remarkable* talent for playing the piano.
a) unusual
b) dim
c) loud
d) beautiful

The doctor said it would take about six weeks before she made a full *recovery*.
a) healing
b) ability
c) functioning
d) friendship

Which word does not describe Nick Allen?
a) mean
b) clever
c) inventive
d) smart

Mrs. Granger taught what class?
a) language arts
b) social studies
c) science
d) mathematics

What did the fifth grade class say when their class picture was taken?
a) frindle
b) Lone Granger
c) cheese
d) Nick

If the students used the word frindle what was their punishment?
a) stay after school to write a hundred sentences
b) expulsion
c) lunch with Mrs. Granger
d) forced to use pencils

Bud Lawrence started manufacturing frindles.
a) True
b) False
c) Neither
d) Both

Nick's dad kept the money he received from frindles.
a) False
b) True
c) Both
d) Neither

Mrs. Granger thought Nick ruined the English language with his word.
a) False
b) True
c) Both
d) Neither

Nick received Mrs. Granger's letter at the end of 5th grade.
a) False
b) True
c) Both
d) Neither

A scholarship fund was set up in Lorelei Granger's name that had an initial donation of one million dollars.
a) True
b) False
c) Both
d) Neither

Match the quote... ''Is there really any harm in the children making up a funny word and saying it?''
a) Mrs. Allen
b) Mr. Allen
c) Miss Deaver
d) Bud Lawrence

Match the quote... ''I still don't really get the idea of why words all mean different things. Like, who says that d-o-g means that thing that goes woof and wags its tail. Who says so?''
a) Nick Allen
b) Judy Morgan
c) Janet Fisk
d) Mrs. Allen

Match the quote... ''That's a contract and it's fair and honest. It gives your boy thirty percent of whatever I might make.'''
a) Bud Lawrence
b) Judy Morgan
c) Janet Fisk
d) Mrs. Chatham

Match the quote... ''Somehow I think I have a small part to play in this drama and I have chosen to be the villain. Every good story needs a bad guy, don't you think?''
a) Mrs. Granger
b) Miss Deaver
c) Mrs. Chatham
d) Bud Lawrence

What kind of question was Nick known for asking?
a) time waster question
b) unstoppable question
c) end of class question
d) show stopper question

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