SS Ch 4 Review Question Preview (ID: 58296)

HMH Ch 4 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The economic idea that countries benefit from trade when they export more than import.
a) mercantilism
b) triangular trade
c) slave trade
d) merkantalism

What tribe lived where the 13 colonies were established?
a) Iroquois
b) Powhatans
c) Choctaw
d) Chickasaw

What is the correct order of wars.
a) Pequot War, First Powhatan War, French and Indian War, King Philip's War
b) King Philip's War, Pequot War, First Powhatan War, Pequot War
c) First Powhatan War, Pequot War, King Philip's War, French and Indian War
d) First Powhatan War, King Philip's War, Pequot War, French and Indian War

What are tow examples of democratic ideas in the 13 colonies?
a) slavery and mercantilism
b) House of Burgess and meetinghouses
c) war and treaties
d) House of Burgesses and mercantilism

Europeans had an advantage against Native Americans because they had better what?
a) weapons
b) leaders
c) colonies
d) government

At the end of the French and Indian War who controlled the land along the Ohio River Valley?
a) France
b) Native Americans
c) Britain
d) Colonies

What are two New England colonies?
a) Massachusetts and Virginia
b) Massachusetts and New Hampshire
c) New Hampshire and Virginia
d) New Hampshire and Maryland

What group was the most tolerant of other religions?
a) Quakers
b) Pilgrims
c) Catholics
d) Puritans

What are two Southern Colonies?
a) Maryland and Virginia
b) Virginia and Massachusetts
c) Virginia and New Hampshire
d) New Hampshire and Massachusetts

What did the Southern Colonies rely on?
a) farming because of the rich soil
b) ship building because of the timber
c) whaling because of the location to the ocean
d) iron because of the rich soil

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