Fall Semester Review 1 Question Preview (ID: 58250)

Fall Semester Review 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How does sexual reproduction differ from asexual reproduction?
a) Sexual has uniform offspring and asexual has genetic variation
b) Asexual has uniform offspring and sexual has genetic variation
c) Sexual and asexual both have uniform offspring
d) Sexual and asexual both have genetic diversity

Which of the following describes Asexual reproduction?
a) 2 parents
b) Genetic Variation
c) Takes a lot of time and energy
d) Genetically Identical

Which of the following DOES NOT describe Asexual reproduction?
a) Binary Fission
b) 1 parent
c) Budding
d) Pollination

Which type of reproduction results in offspring that are less able to survive environmental changes?
a) Asexual
b) Sexual
c) Pollination
d) Fertilization

Which organelle helps a plant go through photosynthesis by creating sugar?
a) Chloroplast
b) Mitochondria
c) Cytoplasm
d) Cell Wall

Why do scientist say cells are the basic unit of life?
a) Cells are too small to be seen without a microscope
b) Cells are all prokaryotic
c) All organisms are made of one or more cells
d) All cells have cell membranes and chloroplast

Which is NOT part of the Cell Theory?
a) All living things are made of cells
b) All living things are created from other living cells
c) All cells have a cell wall
d) Cells are the basic unit of life

What organelles are found in both plant and animal cells
a) Nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria
b) Mitochondria, chloroplast, nucleus
c) Nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane
d) Cell membrane, chloroplast, cytoplasm

Organisms that reproduce sexually will produce -
a) Uniform offspring
b) Genetically Diverse offspring
c) Genetically similar offspring
d) Budding offspring

Which of the following does NOT explain sexual reproduction?
a) A bacteria splits in half and creates 2 new bacteria
b) A female fish lays eggs and a male fish fertilizes the eggs
c) A female frog releases her eggs and a male frog fertilizes them
d) A bird spreads pollen between flowers during feeding

What is the function of the Chloroplast?
a) Controls the cell
b) Allows nutrients in and out of the cell
c) Converts energy for the cell
d) Creates sugar for the cell during photosynthesis

What is the function of the Mitochondria?
a) Controls the cell
b) Allows nutrients in and out of the cell
c) Converts energy for the cell
d) Creates sugar for the cell during photosynthesis

What is the function of the Nucleus?
a) Controls the cell
b) Allows nutrients in and out of the cell
c) Converts energy for the cell
d) Creates sugar for the cell during photosynthesis

What is the function of the Cell Membrane?
a) Controls the cell
b) Allows nutrients in and out of the cell
c) Converts energy for the cell
d) Creates sugar for the cell during photosynthesis

Which organism below is found in both Plant and Animal Cells?
a) Cell Wall
b) Mitochondria
c) Chloroplast
d) Large Vacuole

What is the definition of Heredity?
a) The passage of traits from one generation to another
b) The passage of learned behavior from one generation to another
c) Creating DNA in order to pass it from offspring to parents
d) Parents choosing which traits they want to pass to their children

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