Change Over Time Question Preview (ID: 58245)

Evidence Of Evolution (Fossils, Natural Selection, Biological). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The wings of an insect and a bird or the flippers of a whale and a shark may both be used in similar ways but they are structurally different suggesting they are not closely related.
a) Homologous Structures
b) Analogous Structures
c) Vestigial Structures

The residual bones of a whale's pelvis or snake leg bones are no longer needed and suggests these species evolved from organisms with legs.
a) Homologous Structures
b) Analogous Structures
c) Vestigial Structures

This type of rock is not good at preserving fossils because the lava is so hot that it destroys the remains of living things.
a) sedimentary
b) igneous
c) metamorphic

In the fossil record, extinction is ___.
a) temporary
b) forever
c) able to be reversed
d) represented when the fossil skip layers but return in different layers

The type of rock that is best suited to preserving fossils are __.
a) sedimentary rock
b) igneous rock
c) metamorphic rock
d) erosion

During natural selection, it is not the individual that changes rather it is the ___ that changes over time.
a) mom
b) dad
c) siblings
d) species

In a rock layer of undisturbed rocks where would you be able to find the oldest rocks, therefore the oldest fossils?
a) Top layers
b) Middle layers
c) Bottom layers
d) Igneous rocks

The bones in the forelimbs of humans, dogs, cats, whales, and bats each include the humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, etc. The SIMILAR structure suggest these organisms share a common ancestor.
a) Homologous Structures
b) Analogous Structures
c) Vestigial Structures
d) Embryos

The peppered moths and the pocket mice are similar because their populations both expereienced a mutation that created a dark variety that thrived in specific environments.

The kind of reproduction that results in diverse offspring.
a) sexual reproduction
b) asexual reproduction.

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