Articles Of Confederation Question Preview (ID: 58196)

Weaknesses Of Articles Of Confederation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why did new Americans NOT want a STRONG CENTRAL GOVERNMENT
a) They did not want anyone to have TOO MUCH POWER
b) They did not think they needed a central government
c) The states wanted to be their own countries
d) They wanted anarchy

Who held the MOST power under the Articles of Confederation
a) The President
b) Congress
c) States
d) Supreme Court

Why did our Founding Fathers make the Articles of Confederation so weak?
a) They were hoping to make up and go back to being an English colony.
b) They did not want a government to take away people's liberty.
c) They did not want people to pay taxes.
d) They were hoping that George Washington would become king.

What document created the first government of the US?
a) US Constitution
b) Articles of Confederation
c) Magna Carta
d) Declaration of Independence

Why was it so difficult to pass laws under the Articles of Confederation?
a) The government did not have a Congress where laws can pass.
b) States needed to have a 2/3 majority for laws to pass. (9/13 states)
c) All the states had to agree for a law to pass.
d) Americans liked the laws from England, they just hated their taxes.

Why was having one vote per state unfair?
a) It was unfair to states with a small population
b) Some states did not want to vote
c) Some people believed that it would be better to be ruled by a king.
d) It was unfair to states with large populations

Under the Articles of Confederation, if Congress passed a law.....
a) States had to follow the laws
b) States would have to do the same in their states
c) Congress would fine states that didn't follow the law
d) Congress could not enforce it, and states would not follow it

When there was a problem between states, there was nowhere to settle the problem because
a) there was no president or courts
b) there were no taxes
c) states were different sizes
d) Ms. Le Vine wasn't in charge

States treated people from other states unfairly under the Articles of Confederation because
a) Southern states did not like Northern states
b) large states and small states had different needs
c) they each made up their own laws
d) they liked to bully each other

Why did the Founding Fathers make to Articles of Confederation so weak?
a) They wanted to eventually return to the British Empire
b) They believed that if the country was weak, then it would not go into any more wars
c) They wanted to make sure that the Judicial Branch was the most powerful
d) They did not want the federal government to tax people like the British did.

Under the Articles of Confederation how many votes did each state get in Congress?
a) 2
b) 1
c) 4
d) 3

Why weren't states able to do business with each other?
a) They all printed their own money so it could not be used in another state
b) They didn't want to do business
c) They taxed each other too much
d) Congress had laws preventing them to do business

Congress could not build an army or pay any debts because ......
a) The states didn't think they needed an army
b) Their was no President or Generals to lead the army
c) They could not tax the states, so when they asked for money the states said no
d) They didn't have enough soldiers left after the American Revolution

When creating the Constitution, the Great Compromise between the Virginia and NJ Plan was...
a) One Chamber in Congress, all states get 2 votes
b) One Chamber in Congress, all states get votes based on population
c) Two Chamber in Congress: one vote per state in the House of Representatives, and one vote in the Senate per state
d) Two chambers in Congress: in House of Representatives votes based by population, Senate every states gets 2 votes

One MAJOR change to the new American government under the Constitution was......
a) The central government would be STRONGER and have a PRESIDENT
b) states would lose their individual freedoms
c) Ms. Le Vine would become governor of New Jersey
d) States would all pay the same taxes

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