Vocabulary Unit 12 Question Preview (ID: 58142)

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improper, wrong, or cruel treatment; insulting language
a) appliance
b) confirm
c) abuse
d) flimsy

a machine or tool used to do a household job
a) daze
b) confirm
c) abuse
d) appliance

to agree or prove that something is true; to make sure, remove any doubt
a) confirm
b) daze
c) migrant
d) pitiless

to stun or confuse
a) confirm
b) shred
c) rotate
d) daze

not strong or solid; poorly made; not convincing
a) flimsy
b) confirm
c) shred
d) gauge

standard measure used to tell size, thickness, and so on; an instrument used to measure
a) gauge
b) shred
c) abuse
d) flimsy

an animal or person that moves to a different region as the seasons change; a farmworker who moves seasonally to pick different crops
a) migrant
b) gauge
c) rotate
d) neutral

not taking sides in a disagreement or war; lacking distinction
a) presentable
b) shred
c) dazy
d) neutral

showing no sorrow or regret for another's suffering or troubles
a) rotate
b) pitiless
c) flimsy
d) appliance

fit to be seen or inspected
a) presentable
b) abuse
c) migrant
d) pitiless

to turn around a central point; to alternate
a) appliance
b) confirm
c) rotate
d) neutral

a thin strip; a tiny piece or amount
a) rotate
b) pitiless
c) gauge
d) shred

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