Lion, Witch And The Wardrobe Review Question Preview (ID: 58134)

Review For Quarter 1 Exam For Reading. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why did Edmund follow Lucy into the wardrobe?
a) Because he loves her
b) To tease her
c) Just to play together
d) To see if Narnia was really there

What did the witch feed Edmund?
a) Salami
b) biscuits
c) Turkish delight
d) Scones

How did the food and drink come to be?
a) She used her wand
b) She pulled it out of her bag
c) She poured a drop of potion in the snow and it appeared
d) The gnome made it appear

What were the points that made the professor believe Lucy?
a) While she was in the wardrobe no time had passed
b) She had never lied but Edmund was known to lie
c) The professor admitted he did not know all the house's secrets
d) All of the above

Instead of being interested in helping Mr. Tumnus, what was Edmund really interested in?
a) Eating more Turkish delight
b) Becoming a prince and then king of Narnia
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above

What did the beaver say the witch would do to the children?
a) Turn them to stone
b) Kill them
c) Make them princes and princesses
d) Feed them Turkish delight

What did Edmund's conscience tell him on the way to the witch's house?
a) a
b) a
c) a
d) a

a) a
b) a
c) a
d) a

a) a
b) a
c) a
d) a

a) a
b) a
c) a
d) a

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