Genetics! Question Preview (ID: 58096)

Review Of The Genetics Terms. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who is the scientist who grew peas in order to learn about inheritance (the Father of Genetics)?
a) Newton
b) van Leeuwenhoek
c) Mendel
d) Darwin

Another name for a physical characteristic that a parent can pass onto its offspring is a...
a) genotype
b) heredity
c) gene
d) trait

What is the tool scientists use to predict the probability of inheriting a trait?
a) Punnett Square
b) Chance Window
c) Random Selection
d) Square

When there are differences in traits among individuals in a population then we say there is...
a) diversity
b) genetic variation
c) homogeneity
d) excitement

A specific form of a gene is called...
a) offspring
b) a parent
c) a factor
d) an allele

The number that describes how likely it is that an event will occur is the ___ of the event.
a) chance
b) genotype
c) phenotype
d) probability

The physical appearance of an organisms is its ...
a) homozygous
b) genotype
c) heterozygous
d) phenotype

A homozygous has two alleles that are...
a) the same
b) different
c) heterozygous
d) 1 capital letter, 1 lowercase letter

A ___ organisms is the offspring of many generations that have the same form of a trait.
a) dominant
b) recessive
c) purebred
d) hybrid

When a trait always shows up if its allele is present, it is called the ___ trait.
a) recessive
b) dominant
c) neutral
d) passive

The name for a trait that gets masked in the presence of a dominant one is called ___.
a) codominant
b) recessive
c) hidden
d) neutral

A hybrid has two alleles that are ___.
a) the same
b) different
c) homozygous
d) 2 capital letters or 2 lowercase letters

Aa is an example of a ____ genotype.
a) heterozygous
b) homozygous
c) purebred
d) neutral

The genotype TT means that the 2 alleles are ___.
a) homozygous recessive
b) homozygous dominant
c) heterozygous
d) hybrid

The scientific study of heredity is _____.
a) heredity
b) genetics
c) alleles
d) inheritance

Which genotype shows a homozygous recessive pair of alleles?
a) aa
b) AA
c) A
d) Aa

When a parent plants are crossed, scientists refer to the first generation of offspring as ___.
a) P generation
b) F2 generation
c) 1F generation
d) F1 generation

The genetic makeup of an organism is its ___.
a) heterozygous
b) phenotype
c) genotype
d) homozygous

The passing of genetic traits from parent to offspring is ___.
a) heredity
b) genetics
c) DNA
d) purebred

Mendel said that the factors that control a trait exist in ___.
a) all alone
b) in pairs
c) in threes
d) in fours

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