Roaring Twenties/Great Depression Review Question Preview (ID: 58094)

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Which 1920 event resulted in the deportation of over 500 suspected anarchists and leftists?
a) the Emergency Quota Act
b) the Communist Purge
c) the Palmer Raids
d) the Espionage Act

What name was given to Americans who felt that immigrants threatened the United States?
a) Bull Moose Party
b) Nativists
c) Free Soilers
d) Knights of Labor

Which of the following statements BEST describes laissez faire capitalism?
a) Movement of people from rural to urban areas
b) No government intervention in the economy
c) Government intervention in the economy
d) Movement of immigrants to the South

The most popular form of mass entertainment following World War I was
a) radio
b) television.
c) Broadway shows.
d) motion pictures.

What group was revived during the 1910s, speaking out against communists, immigrants, Catholics, Jews, and African-Americans?
a) Free Soilers
b) Anti-Saloon League
c) Ku Klux Klan
d) Know Nothings

During the 1920s, consumers became able to buy big ticket items which were previously only affordable to the wealthy. Which factor played the GREATEST role in consumers' ability to buy refrigerators, washing machines, radios, and cars?
a) decreased federal income taxes
b) low interest rates on home loans
c) credit or installment buying
d) stock market speculation

The Red Scare following World War I was caused primarily by
a) the influenza outbreak.
b) fear of airborne diseases.
c) fear of communist infiltration of the United States.
d) the actions of Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy.

What impact did US governmental policies have on business and industry during the late 1800’s?
a) The US government tried to control public and private utilities and transportation
b) The US government tried to limit and regulate industrial and business growth
c) The US government regulated industry for the public good
d) The US government had little or no influence on business and industry

In the 1920s, the United States experienced an economic boom due to, among other things,
a) installment buying and an unregulated stock market.
b) the expansion of civil rights to women and minorities.
c) the mobilization of the economy for war.
d) increased government restrictions on big business.

Which event in history is seen by many people as the beginning of the Great Depression in the United States?
a) the Stock Market Crash of 1929
b) the beginning of the Dust Bowl
c) the end of fighting in World War I
d) the creation of the Federal Reserve

The MOST important result of the Spanish American War was that it
a) spread democracy to Latin America.
b) secured a safe source of raw materials for US industry.
c) guaranteed the independence of Mexico from Spanish control.
d) set up a colonial empire for the U.S. and set the U.S. on the road to empire.

Who was NOT a member of the Central Powers during World War I?
a) Germany
b) Serbia
c) Ottoman Empire
d) Austria-Hungary

In the months leading up to World War I, the United States wanted to maintain its neutrality because
a) President Wilson was a Quaker and was against warfare of any kind.
b) the armed forces were preoccupied with problems on the Mexican border.
c) the U.S. had the strongest navy in the world and it was needed to keep the coastline secure.
d) the U.S. was trading heavily with European nations and did not want its business interrupted.

All of the following were long term causes of World War I EXCEPT
a) militarism
b) alliance system
c) religious differences.
d) imperialism

Which of these nations did NOT fight with the Allied Powers in World War I?
a) Austria-Hungary
b) England
c) France
d) Russia

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