Unit 4 Quiz 1 Test Review Question Preview (ID: 58060)

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Stacy saw a tree branch on the ground at the park that was 9 feet long. How many inches long was it?
a) 109
b) 108
c) 27
d) 96

A rectangle is 16 feet long and 3 feet wide. Which method could you use to find the perimeter of this rectangle?
a) 2 x (16 +3)
b) (2 +16) x (2+3)
c) 16 x 4
d) 3 x4

6 feet equals how many inches?
a) 60 inches
b) 30 inches
c) 18 inches
d) 72 inches

A rectangle is 17 feet long and 5 feet wide. Which method could you use to find the perimeter of this rectangle?
a) 17 x 4
b) 5 x4
c) (17 x 2) + (5 x 2)
d) 17+ 17+ 17+ 17

How many centimeters are in 4 meters?
a) 40 centimeters
b) 4,000 centimeters
c) 400 centimeters
d) 4 centimeters

How many millimeters are in 5 centimeters?
a) 50 millimeters
b) 15 millimeters
c) 10 millimeters
d) 500 millimeters

How many feet are in 3 yards?
a) 6 feet
b) 9 feet
c) 36 feet
d) 30 feet

Who is your teacher?
a) Ms. Zimmerman
b) Mrs. Zimmerman
c) Ms. Pink
d) Ms. Williams

What would the perimeter of a rectangle would be with the length being 10 cm and the width being 4 cm?
a) 40 cm
b) 28 cm
c) 28 feet
d) 40 feet

What would the perimeter of a rectangle would be with the length being 15 inches and the width being 3 inches?
a) 36 inches
b) 45 inches
c) 30 inches
d) 35 inches

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