Pythagorean Theorem Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 57966)

Pythagorean Theorem Vocabulary. Uses TEKS 8.6.C, 8.7.D, And 8.7.C. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is not one of the steps to finding distance on a coordinate plane?
a) create a right triangle
b) make the diagonal distance the hypotenuse, or c
c) use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the diagonal distance
d) count the squares

Which letter is the longest side of a right triangle?
a) a
b) b
c) c

Pythagorean Theorem Converse
a) can be used to prove whether a triangle is a right triangle.
b) the sides of a right triangle that are adjacent to the right triangle
c) the side of a right triangle that is opposite form the right triangle; the longest side of the right triangle
d) a statement that switches the order of the if and the then

Which of the following is NOT a step for finding the side lengths of right triangles?
a) Label a, b, and c.
b) Substitute the known values into the Pythagorean theorem
c) Solve for the missing variable.
d) Equal the sides to 180.

Pythagorean Theorem
a) tells us how the side lengths of right triangles are related.
b) the side of a right triangle that is opposite form the right triangle; the longest side of the right triangle
c) a statement that switches the order of the if and the then
d) the sides of a right triangle that are adjacent to the right triangle

a) the sides of a right triangle that are adjacent to the right triangle
b) a statement that switches the order of the if and the then
c) the side of a right triangle that is opposite form the right triangle; the longest side of the right triangle
d) tells us how the side lengths of right triangles are related.

a) the side of a right triangle that is opposite form the right triangle; the longest side of the right triangle
b) a statement that switches the order of the if and the then
c) the sides of a right triangle that are adjacent to the right triangle
d) tells us how the side lengths of right triangles are related.

a) a statement that switches the order of the if and the then
b) the side of a right triangle that is opposite form the right triangle; the longest side of the right triangle
c) the sides of a right triangle that are adjacent to the right triangle
d) tells us how the side lengths of right triangles are related.

We can use Pythagorean Theorem to find the
a) angle measures
b) missing side length
c) volume
d) temperature

Pythagorean Theorem
a) a^2 + b^2 = c ^2
b) b^2 + c^2 = c ^2
c) c^2 + c^2 = c ^2
d) c^2 + b^2 = a ^2

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