Physical Science Section 2C Review CCA Question Preview (ID: 57894)

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LIQUID: Particle spacing: ______ Particle motion: able to slide past each other Volume: fixed Shape: changes to fill a container from the bottom.
a) spread
b) spacious
c) close
d) broad

The states of matter are determined by the relationship between the kinetic energy (energy of motion) of the particles and the _______forces between them.
a) attractive
b) repulsive
c) magnetic
d) opposite

_________: The attractive forces between the liquid particles, a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. In other words, how “thick” or “thin” is the liquid?
a) Thickness
b) Density
c) Mass
d) Viscosity

What is the best choice here that defines a salad?
a) homogeneous mixture
b) heterogeneous mixture
c) pure substance
d) a compound

All 118 known elements are listed on the _______ table of the elements.
a) chemical
b) atomic
c) periodic
d) reactive

The particle model states that all matter consists of tiny particles in constant _______ motion.
a) random
b) precise
c) exact
d) accurate

PLASMA: gas-like state of matter formed at very high ________that consists of high-energy ions and free electrons.
a) pressures
b) altitudes
c) elevations
d) temperatures

In a ________ substance the particles vibrate in place.
a) liquid
b) solid
c) gas
d) plasma

An element is a pure substance that consists of atoms with the same ______ number.
a) mass
b) nuclear
c) physical
d) atomic

Another term for homogeneous mixture is a _______.
a) solvent
b) solute
c) suspension
d) solution

A heterogeneous mixture does not have a ________ appearance since the substances are unevenly distributed.
a) uniform
b) random
c) unchanging
d) uneven

Anything that is not a pure substance is a mixture—a ________ combination of two or more substances.
a) physical
b) chemical
c) ionic
d) covalent

Atoms of a particular compound always combine in the same _______.
a) place
b) proportion
c) state
d) material

Elements are the simplest of the ______ substances.
a) mixed
b) pure
c) combined
d) metallic

We _______ matter according to its properties.
a) classify
b) import
c) divide
d) retain

A compound is a pure substance consisting of atoms of two or more _______ elements that are chemically combined.
a) random
b) living
c) similar
d) different

Man has been classifying things since the beginning of _______.
a) time
b) Christ
c) the Bible
d) knowledge

Chemists classify elements as metals, nonmetals, and metalloids, as well as into families, such as alkaline earth _______ or halogens.
a) materials
b) matter
c) products
d) metals

Classification provides a structure within which we can conduct a ______ study.
a) precise
b) scientific
c) random
d) pure

A pure substance is a material made of only one kind of ________ or compound; it is not a mixture.
a) solution
b) mixture
c) element
d) solvent

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