Number The Stars 1-14 Question Preview (ID: 57866)

Number The Stars Novel Review Of Chapters 1-14. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does Peter give the baby before they leave for Henrik's boat?
a) A kiss and a blessing
b) A sweater
c) Medicine to make it sleep during the trip
d) His Star of David necklace

What happened to Annemarie's mom when she came back from leaving the Rosens?
a) She died
b) She broke her ankle
c) She threw up
d) She got caught by the soldiers

Who is afraid of the sea?
a) The old man
b) Mrs. Rosen
c) Annemarie
d) The Nazi soldiers

Why must Mr. Johansen stay at home when the rest of his family goes to Henrik's?
a) To keep the Rosen's apartment clean
b) To keep the soldiers from being suspicious at their absence
c) So that he can bring their belongings once they have settled in
d) To finish work on a peace proposal

What was in the casket?
a) food and newspapers
b) Aunt Birte
c) clothes and blankets
d) guns and ammunition

Who lived along the sea that they took a train ride to visit?
a) Uncle Sebastian
b) Uncle Henrik
c) Uncle Michael
d) Uncle Johan

What was the code word for Jews?
a) soda
b) chocolate
c) bubble gum
d) cigarettes

What would Peter bring to the Johnassens that would make them go into hiding?
a) clothes
b) newspaper
c) radio
d) food

What almost gives Ellen away when the German's search the apartment?
a) her dark hair
b) her age
c) her height
d) her accent

What symbol does Ellen wear around her neck that she must hide?
a) Cross
b) Star of David
c) Rainbow
d) Crescent Moon

Where are the soldiers on the street corners from in our novel?
a) France
b) Italy
c) Germany
d) Russia

What group is being persecuted and treated unfairly?
a) Muslims
b) Germans
c) Christians
d) Jews

Who is the Jewish girl in our novel?
a) Kirstie
b) AnneMarie
c) Ellen
d) Lise

Where is the setting for our novel, Number the Stars?
a) Copenhagen, Denamark
b) London, United Kingdom
c) Paris, France
d) Moscow, Russia

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