Civics 2.3 Quiz Review Question Preview (ID: 57856)

Chapter 2 Section 3 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which step is out of order in the process of ratification of the US Constitution
a) 1 people debated
b) 2 ninth state ratified in June 1788
c) 3 ratifying conventions were held
d) Constitution became law

All of the following are ways the Constitution STRENGHTENED the national government EXCEPT
a) Congress could create money and set taxes
b) Congress could raise armed forces
c) Congress could carry out laws
d) Congress would immediately respond to state laws

Which was NOT one of the three principles of government the framers wanted included from English government?
a) trial by jury
b) bill of rights
c) official guarantee of citizens' rights
d) Parliamentary rule over Citizens

supporters of the Constitution who favored a strong national government
a) federalism
b) compromise
c) Federalists
d) Anti-Federalists

people who opposed the new Constitution and the federal system of government
a) federalism
b) Parliament
c) Anti-Federalists
d) Federalists

agreement in which each side gives up part of its demands in order to reach a solution to a problem
a) Parliament
b) federalism
c) compromise
d) ratification

official approval
a) Parliament
b) federalism
c) compromise
d) ratification

system of government that divides powers between national and state governments
a) Parliament
b) federalism
c) compromise
d) ratification

The lawmaking body of Great Britain
a) Parliament
b) federalism
c) compromise
d) ratification

Who is the best teacher on the planet
a) Sharon
b) Chanel
c) Kevin
d) Pam

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