Classroom Rules And Procedures Question Preview (ID: 57849)

Class Procedures. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How should masks be worn?
a) only on the chin
b) with your nose sticking out
c) covering your nose and mouth
d) we don't wear masks at school

What happens when morning announcements start?
a) All students return to their desks to listen.
b) keep playing and ignore the principal
c) talk and laugh loudly
d) walk around the room

During movement breaks students should
a) go anywhere they want in the room
b) stay behind and near their desks
c) sit down and refuse to participate
d) color and draw instead

Whose job is it to clean up after playing?
a) everyone!
b) Mr. Krase
c) Miss Taylor
d) Baker Mayfield

How do we walk in the hallways?
a) quietly with our hands to ourselves in an organized line
b) laughing loudly
c) touching the walls
d) running

During read aloud time we should
a) sit quietly and pay attention to the story
b) roll around on the floor and complain
c) play with your sleeve and ignore the teacher
d) talk and make noises while the teacher is talking

What does it mean when the teachers say it is time to go inside after recess?
a) line up right away
b) five more minutes
c) ten more minutes
d) it's time to cry

Exact path is
a) a great tool that helps you keep your skills sharp
b) just another way for the teacher to mess with you
c) an evil trick created by the Wither Skeletons
d) the worst thing in the entire world

When you first get to school you should
a) go get your breakfast and eat it at your desk quietly
b) eat in the play area
c) skip breakfast so that you can play
d) talk loudly instead of eating

How do we treat the toys in class?
a) We treat them carefully so that we do not damage them
b) We throw them around because it is fun
c) We take them to our desks so only we can use them
d) we do not have to share because we grabbed it first

What is Mr. Krase's favorite food?
a) King Crab Legs
b) mushroom soup
c) liver and onions
d) pizza with extra green peppers

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