Carbon Cycle Review Question Preview (ID: 57831)

Pre-Quiz Review Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Only humans can remove carbon from this carbon sink/reservoir.
a) plants
b) atmosphere
c) animals
d) fossil fuels

Animals and plants return CO2 to the atmosphere by “breathing” in a process called
a) combustion
b) respiration
c) photosynthesis
d) decomposition

One of the main ways CO2 is removed from the atmosphere is
a) photosynthesis
b) respiration
c) combustion
d) decomposition

Organisms at the _____ of an energy pyramid have the _______ amount of energy available to them compared to organisms at other levels.
a) top; most
b) top; least
c) middle; most
d) bottom; least

Processes that release CO2 to the atmosphere are known as carbon ________
a) sinks
b) reservoirs
c) footprints
d) sources

When humans burn fossil fuels, most of the carbon quickly enters the ________ as carbon dioxide.
a) atmosphere
b) water
c) sun
d) air

Which one of these does not add CO2 to the atmosphere?
a) cooking with charcoal
b) burning forrests
c) planting trees
d) riding a bus

Which process does not produce carbon dioxide?
a) Respiration
b) Photosynthesis
c) Combustion
d) Decomposition

How does the carbon in grass become part of a lion?
a) The lions eats animals that consume carbon from plants.
b) The lion eats the grass
c) Carbon from grass doesn't end up in a lion.
d) The lion breathes in carbon given out by the plant

Which of the following removes carbon from the atmosphere?
a) combustion
b) respiration
c) photosynthesis
d) decomposition

If the plant population decreased, the amount of carbon would _________.
a) Increase
b) Descrease
c) Stay the same
d) idk

Which of the following is a true statement?
a) Humans depend on carbon dioxide, plants depend on oxygen
b) Humans depend on oxygen, plants depend on carbon dioxide
c) Plants produce carbon dioxide
d) Humans don't depend on plants for the air they need

Which of the following is an example of a decomposer?
a) owl
b) tree
c) mushroom
d) fish

Organisms that do not decompose can be buried and become what?
a) water
b) air
c) fossil fuels
d) oxygen

Carbon is a reactant in respiration in the form of?
a) water
b) oxygen
c) ATP
d) glucose

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