Anxiety Boss: Round 2 Question Preview (ID: 57807)

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___ states that genes may influence some specific phobias.
a) Biomedical/genetic explanation
b) Psychoanalytic explanation
c) Structured explanation
d) Systematic explanation

___ carried out an investigation on people with blood phobia and injection phobia, and the results strengthened the arguments of the genetic explanation.
a) Ost (1992)
b) Mas et al. (2010)
c) Wolpe (1958)
d) Ost et al. (1989)

A patient comes in and reports that he sweats and trembles whenever he sees blood in the past month. You are concerned that the man has a blood injection phobia. So you give him ____ to fill in and use the result for phobia diagnosis.
b) GAD-7
c) BDI
d) DSM-V

A learning process, in which an unconditioned stimulus is associated with a neutral stimulus to create a new, conditioned response.
a) classical conditioning
b) operant conditioning
c) continuous reinforcement
d) extinction

Which of the following is NOT a famous study of classical conditioning?
a) Freud and Little Hans
b) Pavlog and his dog
c) Watson and Rayner and Little Albert
d) All these studies are famous studies of classical conditioning.

Previously, it was a neutral stimulus, but after being repeatedly associated with an unconditioned stimulus, it starts to trigger a conditioned response on its own.
a) conditioned stimulus
b) unconditioned stimulus
c) conditioned shampoo
d) unconditioned response

The part of the psyche that is realistic, conscious, and rational. We use it to make decisions by trying to harmonize between our unrealistic demands and social obligations.
a) ego
b) id
c) superego
d) vasovagal

Which of the following is NOT a study involving children as participants?
a) No, you're wrong. They all involve children as participants.
b) Freud 1909
c) Watson and Rayner (1920)
d) Saavedra and Silverman (2002)

Which of the following is NOT a criteria for diagnosis of anxiety disorders?
a) inability to stop concentrating on the task at hand
b) muscle tension, fidgeting, nervousness
c) palpitations, dizziness, dry mouth
d) worries about future problems

Which of the following is NOT part of DiNardo et al. (1988)?
a) Dog phobia is developed and maintained by the painful experience the participants previously had.
b) Fear Survey Schedule
c) S-S and S-R
d) Structured interviews regarding frightening or painful experiences with dogs.

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