Anxiety Boss: Round 1 Question Preview (ID: 57806)

Aight, Don't Be Afraid And Let's Beat This Round 1 Of The Anxiety Boss! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This is the irrational fear of being exposed to a scene of blood or injection, or actually getting an injection.
a) blood injection phobia
c) GAD-7
d) extinction

This boy developed a fear of horses since he was 4 years old, as a result of witnessing an accident when a horse fell and died on the street.
a) Little Hans
b) Little Albert
c) 9-year-old Hispanic boy
d) Koko

The ___ argues that a person's phobias is strongly linked to that person's irrational thought processes towards certain stimuli.
a) cognitive explanation
b) biomedical/genetic explanation
c) psychoanalytic explanation
d) behavioral explanation

A talk therapy that helps alter the patient's negative ways of thinking to prevent triggers that may lead to harmful behaviors.
a) CBT
b) systematic desensitization
c) applied tension
d) MAOIs

___ states that we can be conditioned to develop fear/phobia.
a) behavioral explanation
b) cognitive explanation
c) psychoanalytic explanation
d) biomedical/genetic explanation

When all participants are asked the same set of questions in the same order. There may also be other standardized details such as the interviewer's uniform, posture or voice.
a) structured interview
b) controlled observation
c) overt observation
d) participant observation

A 9-month-old baby who was classically conditioned to develop a fear of white rats.
a) Little Albert
b) Little Hans
c) Little Psyche
d) Little BigBird

This refers to when the conditioned stimulus no longer produces the conditioned response .
a) Extinction
b) Displacement
c) Generalization
d) Repression

Victoria has very unpleasant memories of her childhood, but she can’t recall much about the memories because, as a coping mechanism, her mind tries to make her forget that these events had ever happened. This is also known as _____.
a) Repression
b) Extinction
c) Id
d) Unconditioned response

If a person feels really mad but is unable to focus their rage towards the cause without putting he/she at risk, he/she may take it out on someone or something less harmful. This is known as _____.
a) Displacement
b) Cognitive explanation
c) Repression
d) Generalization

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