Electric Circuits Notes Unit 1, Lesson 4 Question Preview (ID: 57792)

Notes On Electric Circuits. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The flow of electrical energy happens because
a) the particles that make up matter move
b) electrical particles
c) metal is a good condcutor
d) wires are resistors

Two particles that have DIFFERENT charges will
a) attract
b) repel
c) nap
d) do nothing

The electric current must flow in a complete path. This path is called an
a) resistor
b) positive charge
c) negative charge
d) circuit

Electrical charge can be __________ or __________
a) happy or sad
b) negative or negative
c) positive or negative
d) electric or circuit

Two particles that have the SAME charge will
a) attract
b) repel
c) nap
d) do nothing

Define source
a) Your favorite book
b) Your favorite lunch
c) The point that something comes from
d) The point that is the end of the path

Define insulator
a) A material that makes energy go faster
b) A material that stops the flow of energy.
c) A material that gets weaker when it is wet
d) A material that is good for naps

Define resistor
a) A device to control the flow of energy
b) A device to create more energy
c) A device to make a battery
d) Your favorite book

Define electric current
a) The flow of puppies in a crate
b) The flow of children on the swings at recess
c) The flow of water from a bath tub
d) The flow of charged particles in the same direction

Define Electric Charge
a) A property that causes matter to have a dance party when it is placed near other matter
b) A property that causes matter to have a force when it is placed near other matter
c) A property that causes matter to stop when it is placed near other matter
d) A property that makes coffee for your teachers

Define electric conductor
a) A material that energy can easily flow through
b) A person who works on a train
c) A material that stops energy from flowing
d) A material that is cold

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