Plant Life Cycles Question Preview (ID: 57782)

Plant Life Cycles. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

All plants have a life cycle with two phases – one sexual and one asexual. This type of life cycle is called _________________________________________________________________.
a) sexual phase
b) pollination
c) spore cases
d) alternation of generations

Gymnosperms produce male and female _________________________________________________.
a) flowers
b) seeds
c) cones
d) pollination

The fertilized eggs stay attached to the female cones as they develop into ___________________________________________.
a) cones
b) seeds
c) spores
d) flowers

Moss and fern plants produce _________________________________ during their asexual phases.
a) spores
b) flowers
c) seeds
d) cones

In gymnosperms and angiosperms, the asexual phase is much reduced, and the _______________________________________ is the dominant part of the life cycle.
a) alternation of generations
b) pollination
c) flowers
d) sexual phase

When pollen from the male cones reaches the female cones, _______________________________ occurs.
a) alternation of generations
b) spore cases
c) pollination
d) flowers

Angiosperms produce reproductive organs called _________________________________________.
a) cones
b) flowers
c) spores
d) seeds

In ferns, spores are produced in ________________________________ on the underside of fronds.
a) spore cases
b) cones
c) seeds
d) flowers

I have seeds with one cotyledon. What am I?
a) conifer
b) embryo
c) pollen
d) monocot

I contain a flowering plant’s sperm cells. What am I?
a) conifer
b) embryo
c) pollen
d) monocot

I am a cone bearing tree. What am I?
a) conifer
b) embryo
c) monocot
d) pollen

I am the tiny offspring inside a seed that can grow into a new plant. What am I?
a) conifer
b) embryo
c) monocot
d) pollen

I take place when pollen from the stamen reaches the pistil. What am I?
a) seed coat
b) dicot
c) germination
d) pollination

I am the development of a seed into a new plant? What am I?
a) seed coat
b) dicot
c) germination
d) pollination

I am the tough, outer covering of a seed. What am I?
a) seed coat
b) dicot
c) germination
d) pollination

I have seeds with two cotyledons. What am I?
a) seed coat
b) dicot
c) germination
d) pollination

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