Clothing In Spanish Question Preview (ID: 57779)
Practice Clothing Words.
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una camisa
a) a shirt
b) a skirt
c) a tshirt
d) a dress
de manga corta
a) tennis shoes
b) clothing store
c) long-sleeved
d) short-sleeved
de manga larga
a) long-sleeved
b) short-sleeved
c) a tie
d) size
un pantalón
a) shoes
b) blue jean
c) sweatpants
d) pants
un par de zapatos
a) a pair of tennis shoes
b) a pair of shoes
c) to wear shoes
d) the seller (male)
una blusa
a) a dress
b) a shirt
c) a blouse
d) a clothing store
una chaqueta
a) a vest
b) a tie
c) a jacket
d) a shirt
un vestido
a) a shirt
b) a vest
c) a dress
d) pants
una corbata
a) a window display
b) a tie
c) an employee (female)
d) a clothing store
un blue jean
a) long-sleeved
b) sweatpants
c) pants
d) a blue jean
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