Industrialization Question Preview (ID: 57756)

Unit 4 Industrialization Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The process of changing from an overall basic farming economy to an overall industrialized one:
a) Mechanization
b) Industrial Revolution
c) Monopoly
d) Sweatshop

The use of MACHINES to replace human or animal labor: *
a) Industrialization
b) Mechanization
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Labor Union

Inventor of the first telephone
a) Alexander Graham Bell
b) Cornelius Vanderbilt
c) Robber Baron
d) Thomas Edison

Inventor of the phonograph, motion picture camera, and improved the light bulb. He was known as the “Wizard of Menlo Park, and received 1,093 patents.
a) Alexander Graham Bell
b) Cornelius Vanderbilt
c) Robber Baron
d) Thomas Edison

A product or business with many buyers but only ONE seller:
a) Robber Baron
b) Sweatshop
c) Monopoly
d) Labor Union

A NEGATIVE nickname for the industrialists of the late 1800’s that suggested they were getting rich by negatively using workers, natural resources, and the government:
a) Cornelius Vanderbilt
b) John D. Rockefeller
c) Robber Barons
d) Monopoly

Captain of Industry who made his fortune in the RAILROAD business:
a) Cornelius Vanderbilt
b) Andrew Carnegie
c) John D. Rockefeller
d) J.P. Morgan

Captain of Industry who made his fortune in the STEEL business:
a) Cornelius Vanderbilt
b) Andrew Carnegie
c) John D. Rockefeller
d) J.P. Morgan

Captain of Industry who made his money in the OIL business:
a) Cornelius Vanderbilt
b) Andrew Carnegie
c) John D. Rockefeller
d) J.P. Morgan

A group of workers who have banded together to improve working conditions or get higher wages:
a) Monopoly
b) Sweatshop
c) Labor Union
d) Industrial Revolution

A workplace that pays low wages, has unsafe working conditions, and demands work that is almost impossible to achieve:
a) Monopoly
b) Economic Depression
c) Homestead Strike
d) Sweatshop

A group that organized many different labor unions into one powerful group:
a) Sweatshop
b) American Federation of Labor
c) Mechanization
d) Economic Depression

An economic period when many people cannot work, prices drop, and there is very little trade or investment:
a) Economic Depression
b) Labor Unions
c) American Federation of Labor
d) Mechanization

Strike by steel workers at the Homestead Mill that gained national attention to its violent end:
a) American Federation of Labor
b) Industrial Revolution
c) Monopoly
d) Homestead Strike

Captain of Industry who made his fortune in banking and then went on to create General Electric.
a) Cornelius Vanderbilt
b) Andrew Carnegie
c) John D. Rockefeller
d) J.P. Morgan

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