Manjhi Moves A Mountain BC Question Preview (ID: 57751)

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Every year Manjhi grew weaker. He started to slow down.
a) False
b) True

How many years did it take for people to start appreciating Manjhi's hard work?
a) After 5 years, people started to see what he had seen. Adults who had been children when he began, marveled.
b) After 10 years, people started to see what he had seen. Adults who had been children when he began, marveled.
c) After 15 years, people started to see what he had seen. Adults who had been children when he began, marveled.
d) After 20 years, people started to see what he had seen. Adults who had been children when he began, marveled.

Why did Manjhi want a road between the villages?
a) He wanted the road so that people would have more friends.
b) He wanted the road so that people could go to work.
c) He wanted the road so that people could get to work, the market, the school and even the hospital more easily.
d) He wanted the road so that people could get to work, the market and the hospital more easily.

What did the people think of Manjhi at first?
a) They thought he is intelligent.
b) They thought he is very smart.
c) They thought he is very hard-working.
d) They thought he is crazy.

The next day Manjhi's hands were raw with ______. Still he climbed the mountain. He gripped the hammer and pounded the chisel for hours. Hold. Aim. Swing!
a) The next day Manjhi's hands were raw with cuts. Still he climbed the mountain.
b) The next day Manjhi's hands were raw with wounds. Still he climbed the mountain.
c) The next day Manjhi's hands were raw with blisters. Still he climbed the mountain.

Who is the main character of the book?
a) The main character of the book is Manjhi.
b) The main character of the book are the villagers.

He hurried back to the top of the mountain. He swung the chisel. Manjhi worked at night to break the mountain.
a) True
b) False

Manjhi hurried to his hut to search for something to trade. What did he trade to get a hammer and a chisel?
a) He traded two goats for a hammer and a chisel.
b) He traded his home for a hammer and a chisel.
c) He traded some money for a hammer and a chisel.
d) He traded three goats for a hammer and a chisel.

Manjhi picked up something and threw it on the ground. Then he had an idea for how to solve the problem. What did he pick up and throw?
a) He picked up a hammer and threw it down.
b) He picked up a chisel and threw it down.
c) He picked up a stone and threw it down.

The mountain made Manjhi feel very ____________.
a) The mountain made Manjhi feel very happy.
b) The mountain made Manjhi feel encouraged.
c) The mountain made Manjhi feel very sad.
d) The mountain made Manjhi feel frustrated.

What was the biggest problem?
a) The biggest problem was that the rich people did not like the poor people.
b) There were not enough vegetables to share with the rich people.
c) The mountain was the biggest problem.

What did Manjhi wish for?
a) He wished for a train that went to both the villages.
b) He wished he could go to school.
c) He wished there was a road between the villages.

Every day, Manjhi stopped at the top of the mountain to catch his breath and gaze at the two villages. What would he think to himself?
a) Why should some people have so much and others so little?
b) Why am I not rich?

In Manjhi's village, there were no hospitals. People had trouble buying food because there were not enough shops.
a) True
b) False

A big mountain separated two villages, on Manjhi's side _______________.
a) everything grew and people were never hungry.
b) everything grew but people were hungry.
c) nothing grew and people were never hungry.
d) nothing grew and people were hungry.

Who is the author of the book?
a) The author of the book is Nancy Churnin.
b) The author of the book is Danny Popovici.

Who is the illustrator of the book?
a) The illustrator of the book is Nancy Churnin.
b) The illustrator of the book is Danny Popovici.

What is the setting (place) of the story?
a) The setting of the story is in India.
b) The setting of the story is in China.
c) The setting of the story is in Africa.

What is the title of the book?
a) The title of the book is 'Manjhi'.
b) The title of the book is 'Manjhi and the Mountain'.
c) The title of the book is 'Manjhi moves a Mountain'.
d) The title of the book is 'Manjhi moves Mountains'.

How did the villagers start to help Manjhi?
a) The villagers brought him food.
b) The villagers brought him a new hammer.
c) The villagers brought him a new chisel.
d) The villagers brought him food, a new hammer and a chisel.

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