Connotation Question Preview (ID: 57743)

Positive And Negative Connotation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Fill in the blank with a word that has a positive connotation. Many people have that car. It's become a very ____ model.
a) popular
b) common
c) standard
d) run-of-the-mill

Fill in the blank with a word that has a positive connotation. Mr. Jameson gets taken advantage of often because he tends to be a _________.
a) pushover
b) sucker
c) softy
d) fool

Fill in the blank with a word that has a positive connotation. Carly was very ____ when it came to dating.
a) picky
b) selective
c) paticular
d) persnickety

Fill in the blank with a word that has a positive connotation. Keith participated in a political _______
a) argument
b) debate
c) discussion
d) feud

Fill in the blank with a word that has a positive connotation. Mariana's parents feel that she is too _____ to go to the mall alone.
a) immature
b) childish
c) youthful
d) babyish

Fill in the blank with a word that has a positive connotation. The Senator was known for being very ________.
a) authoritative
b) aggressive
c) forceful
d) assertive

Fill in the blank with a word that has a positive connotation. Eleanor's cookies were very _______.
a) crisp
b) brittle
c) charred
d) hard

Fill in the blank with a word that has a positive connotation. Anastasia makes lists to help her remember what to do because she is ____.
a) scatterbrained
b) forgetful
c) absentminded
d) careless

Fill in the blank with a word that has a positive connotation. The rain fell on the field ______.
a) in violent torrents
b) in a heavy deluge
c) as a gentle mist
d) in a heavy downpour

Fill in the blank with a word that has a positive connotation. Mr. Heckle watches his money and is ______.
a) frugal
b) tight-fisted
c) cheap
d) a penny-pincher

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