Unit 2 Vocabulary Grade 6 Question Preview (ID: 57742)
Unit 2 Vocabulary Grade 6.
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to make, build, or put something together
a) reconstruct
b) reinterpret
c) research
d) reassess
to give something out again or spread it around in a different way
a) reinterpret
b) confer
c) redistribute
d) reconstruct
to look back and review something, especially if it has changed or you have new information
a) reinterpret
b) chronology
c) debate
d) reassess
a list of events arranged in time order
a) research
b) confer
c) chronology
d) document
a discussion in which people take different sides
a) debate
b) argument
c) confer
d) reassess
a careful search for or close study of information
a) reassess
b) document
c) research
d) reconstruct
a disagreement that often causes a conflict
a) debate
b) argument
c) research
d) reinterpret
to meet with others to share ideas or ask for advice
a) chronology
b) debate
c) reassess
d) confer
a piece of information in written form or a computer
a) document
b) confer
c) research
d) reconstruct
to find a new or different meaning for something
a) reconstruct
b) reassess
c) reinterpret
d) redistribute
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