Mishnayos Taanis 1:2 Question Preview (ID: 57728)
Translation Of Taanis Ch. 1, Mishnah 2.
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םיִמָׁשְּגַה תֶא ןיִלֲאֹוׁש ןיֵא
a) except close to the rain
b) we do not ask for (mention) rain
c) the one who passes before the ark
d) on the last day of Sukkos (Shemini Atzeres)
םיִמָׁשְּגַל ְךּומָס אָּלֶא
a) except close to the rain
b) on the last day of Sukkos (Shemini Atzeres)
c) the first one does not mention
d) the first one mentions
הָבֵּתַה יֵנְפִל רֵבֹועָה
a) the first one does not mention
b) the last one does not mention
c) until Nisan goes out (ends)
d) the one who passes before the ark
גַח לֶׁש ןֹורֲחַאָה בֹוט םֹויְּב
a) the first one mentions
b) until Nisan goes out (ends)
c) on the last day of Sukkos (Shemini Atzeres)
d) the last one mentions
ריִּכְזַמ ןֹורֲחַאָה
a) the last one mentions
b) until when do we ask for (mention) rain
c) the one who passes before the ark
d) the first one mentions
ריִּכְזַמ ֹוניֵא ןֹוׁשאִרָה
a) until Nisan goes out (ends)
b) on the first day of Pesach
c) we do not ask for (mention) rain
d) the first one does not mention
חַסֶּפ לֶׁש ןֹוׁשאִרָה בֹוט םֹויְּב
a) except close to the rain
b) on the first day of Pesach
c) the last one does not mention
d) on the last day of Sukkos (Shemini Atzeres)
ריִּכְזַמ ןֹוׁשאִרָה
a) on the last day of Sukkos (Shemini Atzeres)
b) until Nisan goes out (ends)
c) the first one mentions
d) the last one does not mention
ריִּכְזַמ ֹוניֵא ןֹורֲחַאָה
a) the first one does not mention
b) the one who passes before the ark
c) until Nisan goes out (ends)
d) the last one does not mention
םיִמָׁשְּגַה תֶא ןיִלֲאֹוׁש יַתָמיֵא דַע
a) the first one mentions
b) on the last day of Sukkos (Shemini Atzeres)
c) until when do we ask for (mention) rain
d) except close to the rain
חַסָּפַה רֹבֲעַּיֶׁש דַע
a) until Pesach has passed
b) until when do we ask for (mention) rain
c) the last one does not mention
d) the first one mentions
ןָסיִנ אֵצֵּיֶׁש דַע
a) we do not ask for (mention) rain
b) until Nisan goes out (ends)
c) except close to the rain
d) the one who passes before the ark
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