Words Their Way Lesson 1 Question Preview (ID: 57696)

Root Phobia And Suffix Ic. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the Greek root word phobia mean?
a) fear of
b) having to do with
c) to speak unsteadily
d) showing disbelief

What does the Suffix ic mean?
a) to make fun of someone by imitating
b) gloomy; resentfully silent
c) brave and heroic
d) having to do with

Define Historic.
a) Having to with a sad event
b) Having to do with History
c) and irrational fear of being closed in
d) occupation

Define Acrophobia.
a) to make fun of someone by imitating
b) Dwayne Johnson
c) fear of heights
d) I believe you can fly

Define Genetics.
a) Celeste Headlee
b) gloomy; resentfully silent
c) representing the best
d) having to do with genes

Lion King is an example of...
a) Organic
b) Arachnophobia
c) Tragic
d) Technophobia

An abnormal fear of spiders...
a) Gentic
b) Economic
c) Aerophobia
d) Arachophobia

When you can't email someone....
a) Technophobia
b) Claustrophobia
c) Tragic
d) Agoraphobia

After of a balloon ride.....
a) Economic
b) Aerophobia
c) Claustrophobia
d) Acrophobia

Eye color, hair color, height are all examples of ...
a) Genetic
b) Futuristic
c) Economic
d) Organic

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