Spreadsheets Question Preview (ID: 57679)

Spreadsheets Unit Test 2021. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

If you see ###### instead of numbers:
a) Your formula is wrong
b) Your function is wrong
c) Your cell size is too narrow
d) You sank my battleship

The AND function is used:
a) When you want to add several criteria to a COUNTIF
b) When you want to add several criteria to an IF, and all must be true
c) When you want to add several criteria to an IF, and only one has to be true
d) When you want to use a COUNTIF and a SUM in the same formula

One difference in using the Function box to add a function to a cell, vs typing it in the cell yourself:
a) The Function box will add the parenthesis for you
b) The function box will always fill in the range
c) The function box will fill in the criteria
d) The function box will add all of the semicolons for you

If you want to add a range of cells, use this function:
d) SUM

In the following spreadsheet formula, what is the CONDITION? =COUNTIF(B2:B25;16)
b) B2:B25
c) 16
d) (B2:B25;16)

Changing how cells look when they meet a certain criteria is called:
a) CountIF
b) A function
c) Conditional Formatting
d) Auto Format

In the following spreadsheet formula, what does the YES mean? =IF(C6=100, Yes, No)
a) It tells the cell to calculate the formula.
b) The cell will display YES if C6 is greater than 100
c) The cell will subtract C6 from 100
d) The cell will display YES if C6 is 100

The OR function allows:
a) Multiple conditions to be used with an IF function when only one needs to be true
b) The cells to sort in the correct ORDER
c) Conditional Formatting to choose which way to calculate a cell
d) Multiple conditions to be used with an IF function when all have to be true

The Fill Handle
a) Calculates the result of a formula
b) Copies a cell's formula or data to other cells
c) Is used to set up Conditional Formatting
d) Is the box where you select a function for your formula

A group of adjacent cells referenced in a formula are called a ____________.
a) Range
b) Selection
c) Group
d) Cell Reference

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