Mr. T AICE GP Command Words 2 Question Preview (ID: 57676)

AICE Test Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Evaluate means:
a) judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
b) investigate closely, in detail
c) set out purposes or reasons/ make the relationships between things evident/ provide why and/or how and support with evidence
d) support a case with evidence/argument

Examine means:
a) express in clear terms
b) investigate closely, in detail
c) name/select/recognize
d) apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a range of valid responses in order to make proposals

Explain means:
a) set out purposes or reasons/ make the relationships between things evident/ provide why and/or how and support with evidence
b) investigate closely, in detail
c) support a case with evidence/argument
d) name/select/recognize

Give means:
a) judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
b) name/select/recognize
c) select and present the main points, without detail
d) produce an answer from a given source or recall/memory

Justify means:
a) express in clear terms
b) support a case with evidence/argument
c) produce an answer from a given source or recall/memory
d) name/select/recognize

Identify means:
a) support a case with evidence/argument
b) express in clear terms
c) name/select/recognize
d) select and present the main points, without detail

State means:
a) express in clear terms
b) produce an answer from a given source or recall/memory
c) investigate closely, in detail
d) judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something

Suggest means:
a) judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
b) express in clear terms
c) apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a range of valid responses in order to make proposals
d) produce an answer from a given source or recall/memory

a) name/select/recognize
b) select and present the main points, without detail
c) investigate closely, in detail
d) judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something

Demonstrate means:
a) judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
b) show how or give an example
c) support a case with evidence/argument
d) express in clear terms

How many words must you write for each mark an AICE question is worth?
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20

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