The Run To WWII #4 Vocabulary Review Question Preview (ID: 57661)

This Review Covers The Run To WWII Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This US law was passed so we could have a peacetime draft.
a) Selective Service Act
b) Lend Lease Act
c) Cash and Carry
d) Neutrality Acts

The name given the Third German Empire
a) Reichstag
b) Blitzkreig
c) Third Reich
d) Axis Powers

Germany and Italy tested their weapons during this conflict before WWII...
a) Dunkirk
b) Battle of Britain
c) Arsenal of Democracy
d) Spanish Civil War

The French forts along the border of Germany were...
a) Reichstag
b) Arsenal of Democracy
c) Dunkirk
d) Maginot Line

This speech by FDR stated that aggressor nations would be isolated until they changed their behavior.
a) Atlantic Charter
b) Quarantine Speech
c) Day of Infamy Speech
d) Battle of Britain Speech

Hitler set up this puppet state in France to make it look like they were an ally not a conquered territory.
a) Maginot
b) Vichy
c) Axis
d) Reichstag

The largest and most well organized group of Isolationists in the US before WWII...
a) America First Committee
b) Arsenal of Democracy
c) Mothers of Peace
d) Neutrality Committee

The massive effort to pull British and French troops off the continent and back to Great Britain was....
a) Battle of Britain
b) Blitzkrig
c) Dunkirk
d) Reichstag

The leader of the Italian Fascist Party was
a) Adolf Hitler
b) Benito Mussolini
c) Francisco Franco
d) Geo Liberatti

The derogatory nickname given to weapons companies after WWI...
a) Money Merchants
b) Merchants of Death
c) Arsenal of Democracy
d) Mercenary Merchants

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