SW ASIA Govt Test Review Question Preview (ID: 57659)

Government Test Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which nation is MOST LIKELY associated with restrictions on personal freedoms and voting rights... especially for women?
a) Israel
b) Turkey
c) Saudia Arabia

Due to its absolute monarchy, which Middle Eastern nation would have the least amount of voting rights and personal freedoms for its citizens?
a) Turkey
b) Iran
c) Saudia Arabia
d) Israel

In Saudi Arabia, one person possesses unlimited power, and citizens play little or no role in the government. Saudi Arabia is classified as a(n):
a) Autocracy
b) Democracy

Which form of government includes a system in which the president is constitutionally independent of the legislature?
a) Presidential Democracy
b) Absolute Monarchy
c) Constitutional Monarchy
d) Parliamentary Democracy

In Israel, citizens elect members of the legislature, and the legislature chooses the head of government. Which type of government does Israel have?
a) parliamentary democracy
b) absolute monarchy
c) presidential democracy
d) constitutional monarchy

How does the leader of Saudi Arabia gain power?
a) Free and open democratic elections are held.
b) It is inherited from a family member.
c) The United Nations appoints someone to be the new leader.
d) A small group of religious leaders selects the new leader.

What do the governments of Israel and Turkey have in common?
a) They both have democratic forms of government.
b) They both have presidential democracies.
c) The both have constitutional monarchies.
d) They both have absolute monarchies.

In Turkey, citizens are directly involved in the government through the use of elections. Also, there is a high amount of personal freedoms. This is an example of a(n):
a) democracy
b) Autocracy

Who typically holds executive power in a parliamentary democracy?
a) a prime minister
b) a vice-president
c) a king
d) A chancellor

Although the parliamentary system of the State of Israel has a president, the HEAD of the government is
a) prime minister
b) chancellor
c) vice-president
d) King

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