Telescopes Question Preview (ID: 57652)

Telescopes/ Spectroscopes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Hubble telescope is located
a) in outer space
b) on the moon
c) on Jupiter
d) in school

How many lenses are in a refracting telescope?
a) 2
b) 10
c) 5
d) 17

When you look into a spectroscope what do you see?
a) the colors of the rainbow
b) purple only
c) black only
d) orange blue and yellow

What tool is used to see what stars are made of?
a) spectroscope
b) microscopes
c) magnifying lenses
d) screwdriver

All visible light is what color?
a) White
b) Black
c) Purple
d) Orange

Where can you see your reflection?
a) A table
b) a mirror
c) magnifying lenses
d) closet

What type of telescope using lenses?
a) Refracting telescope
b) Reflecting telescope

What kind of telescope uses mirrors?
a) reflecting telescope
b) Refracting telescope

What is used to see in outer space?
a) telescopes
b) microscopes
c) magnifying lenses

The shortest wavelengths are the gamma rays
a) True
b) False

The longest wavelengths are
a) microwaves
b) gamma waves
c) xrays
d) radio waves

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