America Land I Love Quiz 10: Sections 6.4-6.5 Question Preview (ID: 57646)

Quiz 10. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What term was given to those who opposed the War for Independence?
a) separatists
b) loyalists
c) colonists
d) puritans

Which battle proved to be the turning point in the American Was for Independence?
a) Battle of Lexington and Concord
b) Battle of Mommouth
c) Battle of Saratoga
d) Battle of Yorktown

Where did Washington and his men suffer a time of testing during the bitter winter of 1777-1778?
a) Valley Forge
b) Yorktown
c) Lexington
d) Concord

At what battle did Mary Ludwig Hays earn her nickname Molly Pitcher?
a) Battle of Valley Forge
b) Battle of Yorktown
c) Battle of Mommouth
d) Battle of Lexington

Where was the final patriot victory to end the War for Independence?
a) Yorktown
b) Lexington
c) Saratoga
d) Valley Forge

Who was the Frenchman who helped the colonists and became a close aide to General Washington during the War to Independence?
a) Haym Solomon
b) Marquis de Lafayette
c) Baron von Steuben
d) Baron de Kalb

Who was the Polish Jew who contributed to the patriot cause during the War for Independence?
a) Haym Solomon
b) Marquis de Lafayette
c) Baron von Steuben
d) Baron de Kalb

Who was the patriot navy captain that defeated the British warship the Serapis?
a) George Rogers Clark
b) John Paul Jones
c) Francis Marion
d) Joseph Brant

When was the Treaty of Paris signed, officially ending the War for Independence?
a) 1778
b) 1780
c) 1783
d) 1785

Which of the following best describes the greatest victory of the War for Independence?
a) The partiots' victory expanded the colonies' borders.
b) Defeating the British decreased the burden of taxes.
c) Winning brought recognition to the colonists as a new nation.
d) Patriot victory ensured fighing rights along the coast of Newfoundland.

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