Physical Science 2A CCA 2021-22 Question Preview (ID: 57628)

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Brown hypothesized that particles of the fluid were colliding with the parts from the spores, causing their random motion. Today we call this Brownian ________.
a) vibration
b) motion
c) lifting
d) circulation

Which of the following IS matter?
a) light
b) sound
c) air
d) magnetism

What is the amount of matter in an object?
a) volume
b) density
c) mass
d) molecules

Which of the following is NOT matter?
a) glass
b) heat
c) carbon
d) air

Each time a material was burned, the reactants always combined in the same _______.
a) ratio
b) day
c) hour
d) minute

The law that states that the masses of chemical substances combine in definite integer ratios when forming compounds is called the law of _________ proportions.
a) duo
b) density
c) determinite
d) definite

The earliest evidence for matter as particles came from _________ laboratories of the 1700s.
a) chemistry
b) biology
c) anatomy
d) alchemy

English botanist Robert ______ was studying tiny plant spores with a microscope.
a) Whhite
b) Brown
c) Green
d) Gould

Chemists of the 1700s noticed that the ratios of the mass of the burned substances to the masses of the products were usually whole _________ ratios.
a) other
b) decimal
c) world
d) number

Chemists were studying the _______ of materials produced when they burned certain substances.
a) volumes
b) densities
c) masses
d) melting points

Aristotle felt you could cut matter apart ___________.
a) slowly
b) indefinitely
c) quickly
d) once

Aristotle’s understanding was eventually __________.
a) approved
b) authorized
c) sanctioned
d) discarded

________ opposed this belief of the atomists.
a) Aristotle
b) Socrates
c) Plato
d) Democritus

Aristotle did not believe that matter was made up of tiny particles called atoms, but rather matter up of basic elements, ________, water, air, and fire.
a) oxygen
b) salt
c) earth
d) metal

Democritus proposed the Greek word _________, which means uncuttable
a) molecule
b) cuttos
c) invincible
d) atomos

The atomists, were led by _________
a) Aristotle
b) Democritus
c) Newton
d) Brown

The atomists believed that all matter was made of _______ atoms
a) magnetic
b) chemical
c) indivisible
d) separable

Light, sound, and ______ are not matter.
a) oxygen
b) air
c) gas
d) heat

anything that occupies space and has mass
a) matter
b) energy
c) molecules
d) waves

What is the space enclosed or occupied by an object?
a) volume
b) mass
c) matter
d) atom

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