Hydrology Review Question Preview (ID: 57623)

8th Grade Hydrology Unit Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In the United States, which agency enforces the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act?
a) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
b) Center for Disease Control (CDC)
c) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
d) Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Which best describes why we should protect estuaries?
a) They provide an area from recreation
b) They filter pollutants and erosion
c) They are breeding grounds for many aquatic species
d) All of these answers

What is the most likely reason that nitrate levels affect the health of rivers?
a) High nitrate levels increase dissolved oxygen
b) High nitrate levels can lead to high turbidity
c) High nitrate levels cause eutrophication
d) High nitrate levels make water taste better

In which oceanic area does food energy come from chemosynthesis?
a) Hydrothermal Vents
b) Intertidal Zone
c) Photic Zone
d) Neritic Zone

If a body of water has very high pH, what can most likely be concluded?
a) It is unsafe to drink
b) It has high DO
c) It is too hot to drink
d) It contains a lot of sediment

Why does reducing runoff from impervious surfaces improve water quality?
a) because it allows water to pick up more pollutants from roads
b) because it causes more water to run along storm drains, cleaning them out
c) because it prevents water from seeping into aquifers
d) because the water infiltrates into aquifers and is filtered by rock and soil

An ecologist found that the DO in a lake was highest in February and lowest in July. What is the most likely reason that this occurred?
a) There were higher temperatures in July and lower temperatures in February
b) The lake had more photosynthesis occurring in February than in July
c) There were higher nitrate levels in July
d) The lake had a lower pH in July

In the United States, which is responsible for ensuring the safety of the country’s drinking water?
a) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
b) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
c) Center for Disease Control (CDC)
d) Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

What is the most likely reason that upwelling creates productive fisheries?
a) It lowers the pH
b) It brings cold, nutrient-rich water to the surface
c) It removes nitrates from the water
d) It helps nutrients sink tot he bottom of the ocean

Which factors can have the greatest effect on the health of a river system?
a) natural disasters and tidal changes
b) human consumption and pH
c) type of soil and salinity
d) nitrate levels and turbidity

Which best describes the characteristics of a river basin?
a) the land at the mouth of a river where water flows into the ocean
b) the land drained by a river and its tributaries
c) the land formed as a result of a river flooding
d) land formed when rivers create estuaries and marshes

In which oceanic zone do clams and crabs survive by burrowing in the sand?
a) oceanic
b) open ocean
c) intertidal
d) deep ocean

If a body of water has high turbidity levels, what can most likely be concluded?
a) It contains a lot of chemicals
b) It is too hot to drink
c) It has a low pH
d) It is unsafe to drink

Which best determines the health of a lake used as a source of freshwater?
a) its temperature and pH
b) its location and depth
c) its depth and width
d) its temperature and depth

Why is water from an aquifer more likely to be cleaner than water from other sources?
a) because it forms where fresh and salt water meet
b) because it rises to the surface near the ocean
c) because it receives water directly from precipitation
d) because pollutants are filtered by rock and soil deep within Earth

Which will most likely result if there is increased upwelling in a coastal area?
a) less nutrients in the water
b) higher water temperatures
c) few nitrates
d) more aquatic life

High nitrates lead to algae blooms. These algae die and rot, which reduces dissolved oxygen. What is this process called?
a) Biomagnification
b) Eutrophication
c) Upwelling
d) Turbidity

___________ is a point source of pollution. ______________ is a nonpoint source of pollution
a) farm waste runoff, oil spills
b) oil spills, sewer pipes leading directly to a river
c) farm waste runoff, acid rain
d) oil spills, farm runoff

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