E3H The Anti-Federalist Papers And Federalist Papers Videos Questions Question Preview (ID: 57619)

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What did Shays' Rebellion demonstrated to most Americans?
a) That the United States needed a stronger government
b) That the South needed to leave the Union
c) That the Articles of Confederation were working
d) That Americans needed to fight for independence from Britain

What did Anti-Federalists argue?
a) That the new Constitution still needed to be edited before it could be ratified.
b) That Americans needed to ratify the new Constitution.
c) That the Articles of Confederation were sufficient.
d) That America should rejoin Britain.

The Federalists and Anti-Federalists were opposed on what issue?
a) The Treaty of Paris
b) The Emancipation Proclamation
c) The United States Constitution
d) The Declaration of Independence

What did the Anti-Federalists think about the central government as it appeared in the proposed Constitution of 1787?
a) They thought it was too weak.
b) They thought it needed more bureaucracy.
c) They thought it was too strong.
d) They thought America should have a king.

Who was Publius?
a) No one knows
b) Hamilton, Madison, and Jay
c) James Madison
d) John Jay

Which part of the Constitution as we know it today was largely added to placate the Anti-Federalists?
a) The section describing the Legislature
b) The section describing the Executive Branch
c) The preamble
d) The Bill of Rights

Which of the following did the Federalist Letters NOT address?
a) The need for a constitution.
b) What exactly the Constitution included.
c) The need for a strong Central government.
d) Who the first president would be.

Why did people not favor the Constitution?
a) They worried that the rights of states would be lost.
b) They worried both about individuals and states losing their rights.
c) They wanted a president for life, not just a term.
d) It did not fully establish the branches of government.

What was the first set of government rules adopted by the United States?
a) The Federalist Papers
b) The Monroe Doctrine
c) The Declaration of Independence
d) The Articles of Confederation

What was the result of the Federalist Papers?
a) All answers are correct.
b) It gained support for the Constitution.
c) The letters were compiled and published.
d) The writers played a large role in American history and government.

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