Life Science 2A Quiz Practice Question Preview (ID: 57612)

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All prokaryotes and some eukaryotes are __________.
a) multicellular
b) inorganic
c) minerals
d) unicellular

A unicellular organism consists of just one cell that can live by itself and perform all the functions needed in order to live, _______, and reproduce.
a) burn
b) breathe
c) implode
d) grow

All prokaryotic life is microscopic, and most prokaryotes are _________.
a) germs
b) viruses
c) bacteria
d) multicellular

All the organisms that you can plainly see, are made of _______ cells.
a) prokaryotic
b) eukaryotic
c) original
d) dead

A cell can be classified as either _________ if it has a nucleus or prokaryotic if it lacks one.
a) prokaryotic
b) mulitkariotic
c) eukaryotic
d) unikariotic

Although cells form all living _________, not all cells are the same.
a) organisms
b) tissues
c) organs
d) processes

The cell theory is useful since it explains the vast majority of our observations and can be used to make ________..
a) assumptions
b) conclusions
c) judgements
d) predictions

_______ are not made of cells, yet many scientists classify them as living things
a) Bacteria
b) Viruses
c) Germs
d) Diamonds

Scientists cannot say with certainty that ______ living things are made of cells.
a) most
b) no
c) all
d) currently

All cells come from _______ cells.
a) stem
b) preexisting
c) fetal
d) common

All ________ things are made of one or more cells.
a) living
b) dead
c) organic and inorganic
d) minerals

Hooke was seeing the _______ remains of cells, not the actual living ones.
a) living
b) petrified
c) dead
d) frozen

Hooke called what he saw in cork ______ because they reminded him of rows of cells in a prison
a) atoms
b) electrons
c) compartments
d) cells

English scientist Robert Hooke studied _______ through his microscope and saw structures that he called cells
a) bat wings
b) cork
c) pond water
d) flies

Although God created the first cells during Creation Week, humans really didn’t know about them until the _______.
a) 1600s
b) 1500s
c) 1900s
d) 200s

A ________ is a group of similar cells that work together
a) tissue
b) system
c) membrane
d) stem

Cells in one tissue perform tasks that are often very different from the _______ of other tissues.
a) tissues
b) roles
c) organs
d) experiments

Groups of _______ together form an organ.
a) systems
b) bodies
c) tissues
d) stem cells

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