Australia And Oceania Review Question Preview (ID: 57609)

Contains Information On The Geography Of Australia, New Zealand, And Other Islands In Oceania. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is NOT a region of Oceania
a) Macronesia
b) Microsnesia
c) Polynesia
d) Melanesia

What the Aborigines call the large sandstone rock in the Outback of Australia
a) Ayer's Rock
b) Dijeridoo
c) Uluru
d) Tahiti

Famous architecture found in Sydney, Australia
a) Opera House
b) Uluru
c) Tasmania
d) Ayer's Rock

Which is NOT an invention of the Aborigines?
a) dijeridoo
b) dot paintings
c) boomerang
d) haka dance

Indigenous people of New Zealand
a) Aborigines
b) Maori
c) English
d) Kiwis

Indigenous people of Australia
a) Aborigines
b) English
c) Maori
d) Kiwis

Strait that separates North and South islands in New Zealand
a) Gibraltar
b) Bering
c) Cook
d) Coral

Tallest mountain in New Zealand
a) Mt. Everest
b) Mt. Cook
c) Mt. kosciuszko
d) Mt. Denali

desert region of Australia
a) Ring of Fire
b) Micronesia
c) Great Barrier
d) Outback

Capital of Australia
a) Canberra
b) Sydney
c) Wellington
d) Auckland

Capital of New Zealand
a) Auckland
b) Canberra
c) Wellington
d) Sydney

Islands formed from coral and not very fertile land
a) high island
b) low island
c) archipelago
d) Ring of Fire

The island of Oceania that are the farthest east of Australia
a) Macronesia
b) Micronesia
c) Melanesia
d) Polynesia

Largest city in New Zealand
a) Wellington
b) Sydney
c) Auckland
d) Christchurch

Animals that have a pouch
a) marsupial
b) vertebrates
c) reptiles
d) all mammals

small island state of Australia; located off the southeastern coast of Australia
a) North Island
b) New Guinea
c) South Island
d) Tasmania

The country that makes up half of a large island north of Australia; the other half of the island is part of the country of Indonesia
a) North Island
b) Papua New Guinea
c) Easter Island
d) Tasmania

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Maori of New Zealand?
a) have facial tattoos
b) haka dance
c) from New Zealand
d) invented the boomerang

What European country took over both New Zealand and Australia in the 1800s?
a) England/UK
b) French
c) Germany
d) Spain

The Ring of Fire surrounds which ocean?
a) Indian
b) Atlantic
c) Pacific
d) Southern

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