2b (Equator, Prime Meridian, Hemispheres) Question Preview (ID: 57596)

Reviews USI.2b. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

half of a sphere created by the prime meridian or equator
a) longitude
b) latitude
c) hemisphere
d) prime meridian

an imaginary line (west to east) around the middle of the earth that divides it into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
a) hemisphere
b) equator
c) prime meridian
d) longitude

an imaginary line (north to south) that divides the earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres
a) prime meridian
b) equator
c) hemisphere
d) continent

The arrow on the map is pointing to the --?

a) latitude
b) hemisphere
c) equator
d) prime meridian

The arrow on the map is pointing to the --?

a) hemisphere
b) equator
c) prime meridian
d) latitude

How does the equator divide the Earth?
a) into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere
b) into the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere

What is the imaginary line that is the starting point for measuring lines of longitude?
a) equator
b) prime meridian

What is the imaginary line that runs east and west around the middle of the Earth?
a) equator
b) prime meridian

North, East, South, and West are the --?

a) equator
b) compass
c) cardinal directions
d) prime meridian

What ocean borders Virginia?
a) Pacific
b) Atlantic
c) Arctic
d) Southern

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