Mummies In The Morning 1 Question Preview (ID: 57584)
Vocab Review.
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old or from the past
a) ancient
b) carved
c) scepter
d) tomb
a room used for a special purpose
a) mirage
b) scroll
c) vanished
d) chamber
a) vanished
b) ancient
c) carved
d) tomb
a decorated staff carried by rulers
a) scepter
b) carved
c) chamber
d) ancient
a) vanished
b) tomb
c) scepter
d) scroll
a building or chamber above or below ground in which dead bodies are kept
a) scroll
b) tomb
c) vanished
d) ancient
a long piece of paper that rolls around a cylinder that usually has something written on it
a) tomb
b) scepter
c) scroll
d) chamber
something that is seen and appears to be real but isn't really there
a) mirage
b) scepter
c) carved
d) tomb
We _______ a pumpkin for Halloween.
a) tomb
b) scepter
c) carved
d) vanished
Ancient Egyptians place their mummies in a ______.
a) tomb
b) ancient
c) scroll
d) vanished
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