Inherited Traits And Learned Behaviors Question Preview (ID: 57581)

Science 5th Grade. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

ways of acting an animal learns during its lifetime
a) learned behaviors
b) physical change
c) instinct
d) offspring

Traits that you get from your parents
a) inherited traits
b) acquired traits
c) photosynthesis
d) offspring

What makes something a PHYSICAL trait?
a) It is inside feelings
b) you can observe or see it
c) it is a behavior
d) it is happening fast

a girl has brown eyes
a) inherited trait
b) acquired trait
c) learned behavior
d) instinct

a boy has curly hair
a) instinct
b) learned behavior
c) acquired trait
d) inherited trait

a baby cries
a) instinct
b) learned behavior
c) inherited trait
d) acquired trait

playing the piano
a) learned behavior
b) inherited trait
c) instinct
d) physical trait

a mama bird builds a nest
a) learned behavior
b) acquired trait
c) instinct
d) inherited trait

a dog fetches a ball
a) learned behavior
b) inherited trait
c) instinct
d) genetics

a fox builds a den
a) acquired trait
b) instinct
c) inherited trait
d) learned behavior

a broken arm
a) inherited trait
b) learned behavior
c) acquired physical trait
d) instinct

Which is a physical trait
a) freckles
b) intelligence
c) humor (funny)
d) generous

which is NOT a physical trait
a) happiness
b) light skin
c) green eyes
d) long legs

a) living thing
b) offspring
c) inherited trait
d) acquired trait

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