Unit 1, Key Terms Question Preview (ID: 57580)

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1689 Toleration Act
a) Act of Parliament granting freedom of worship to Nonconformists (non-Protestant - Catholics)
b) Act granting better treatment of slaves
c) Act granting toleration to indentured servants
d) Act of Parliament granting freedom of worship to Jews

Albany Plan of Union
a) A plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government
b) A plan to create a Declaration of Independance
c) A plan to consolidate to fight the English
d) A plan for economic consolidation

American Enlightenment
a) A great age of intellectual discovery
b) A period of religious revival
c) A period of invention and discovery
d) A period of peace and prosperity

Anne Hutchinson
a) A Puritan spiritual advisor, religious reformer, and an important participant in the Antinomian Controversy
b) Participant in Washington's spy network
c) Major contributor to women's rights
d) Abolition leader

Bacon's Rebellion
a) Armed rebellion that led to a recasting of slavery in the Colonies and creation of a stratified social system
b) A peaceful rebellion for slave rights
c) An armed rebellion in New York calling for an increase in women's rights
d) Slave revolt in South Carolina

City on the Hill
a) Sermon used to describe the expectation that the Massachusetts Bay colony would shine like an example to the world.
b) Address to the House of Burgess
c) Opening by Thomas Jefferson for the Constitution
d) Quotes by Benjamin Franklin for the Albany Plan

Cotton Mather
a) Closely involved with the Salem witch trials in 1690s, is also remembered as one of the influential Puritan ministers
b) Leader of the Rhode Island colony
c) Wrote Common Sense
d) Enlightenment leader closely involved with the Salem witch trials in 1690s

George Whitefield
a) Minister whose oratory skills and charismatic personality helped spark the spiritual revival known as “The Great Awakening”
b) Wrote the City on the Hill Sermon
c) Leader of Bacon's Rebellion
d) Closely involved with the Salem witch trials in 1690s, is also remembered as one of the influential Puritan ministers

First Great Awakening
a) Period of religious revival in American colonies in the 1730-40s
b) Period of social change and upheaval
c) Period of scientific and philosophical study
d) Period of social change and restructuring

Indentured Servitude
a) Indentured servitude is a form of labor in which a person is contracted to work without salary for a specific number of years
b) Forced slavery
c) Indentured servitude is a form of labor in which a person is contracted to work with salary for a specific number of years
d) Indentured servitude is a form of labor in which a person is contracted to work without salary for the remainder of their lif

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